FAQ: Aethera Campaign Setting
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With such a diverse landscape of third party products tackling the subject of space opera or science fiction elements what is this product promising that makes it stand out?

The entire campaign setting is outlined and already in production, so I can speak with authority to the content. One of the big takeaways I think you can have from the get-go is that it isn’t hard SciFi, it’s Science-Fantasy, which I think the easiest analogue to that is Star Wars (things in space but clearly the Force is magic!) More to that point, the Aethera Campaign Setting introduces a system of fast-paced space combat where you can have an entire crew of characters together in a single vessel working as a team. The ships and other vehicles in the setting (aetherships; starships primarily fueled by and designed with magic) operate on a new rules system not like the vehicle rules in Ultimate Combat, which are clunky at best, and are customizable with a large array of unique parts and components. They can even be outfitted with magic armor, magic weapons, and some classes (cavalier, most notably) will be able to get vehicle bonds instead of mounts. The other thing this book does is that it’s a fully integrated setting. It’s six worlds that all have a connected over-arcing story and metaplot that in the future will be explored through supplements and adventures (much in the way Paizo explands Golarion.) The setting also is more contemporary and modern-day. For the human civilizations it’s more comparable to 1920’s earth, so you’ve got a little different flavor. Harry Dresden style occultists unraveling arcane mysteries in the shadows of skyscrapers built inside of ancient arcologies. We’ve also thrown out the book on a lot of the standard fantasy races (elves, dwarves, etc) and replaced those mainstays with four setting-unique races that have a very specific niche in the world. They’re not stand-ins for elves and dwarves, either, so they have a different texture and feel. You can see some of their history over at our website. Even if you picked up the setting book and threw out the actual setting material you’d still have material for designing starships and running space combat, rules for plant-based symbionts that are like living magic items, rules for building technology powered by magic (imagine a “magitech” version of the technology guide, and a 32-page bestiary of unique monsters you could plug into any Pathfinder game without much conversion needed at all. Plus support material for spells, feats, and skill unlocks that relate to some of the new technology and rules. If you’ve got some more specific questions I’d be pleased to answer them! Last updated: Sun, Oct 25 2015 9:29 pm EDT

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: June 2016

Last Updated At: 12/27/15
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